If asked, not many people will declare a love of pubic speaking. Surely you have heard the adage, “imagine the audience in their underwear,” to overcome anxiety and feel more in control. Despite the fact people prefer going to the dentist over public speaking, society has become enamored with people who perform TED Talks. Thanks to TED Talks, society now …
You’ve Got Mail…
More than just the title to one of my favorite movies, this catch phrase defined the start of the email revolution. We ALL held our breathe, waiting for the dial up connection to engage and hoped to hear those three words. Emails today are a key part of the job search. Emails have replaced cover letters. They are the quickest …
How cute is a 3-year old who is always asking, “why”? After the 87th time he asks you, you want to scream, but answering is how he is learning about the world and you want him to learn EVERYTHING. In your job interview, your goal is to answer the interviewer’s “why?” You want him to learn EVERYTHING about why you …
One in a Million
We’ve all heard the expression, “One in a Million”. Now picture a mountain of resumes piled on a recruiter’s desk. Does yours stand out? How do you get noticed? Will you be remembered? Today, there are many ways to be noticed beyond the standard resume by using social media and technology. A LinkedIn profile can be customized, personal webpages are becoming standard …
How big is your brave?
How big is your brave? What stops you from pursuing your dreams? It isn’t failure that stops us from “getting there”. Fear of failure or rejection is what stops us. Fear robs us of confidence. It diminishes how we see ourselves, as well as the image we project. We are always being judged. Typically, we are our own worst critics. …
Road Trip!
First things first….get out the trusty GPS. Plug in your destination and let it map the route. Pretty simple, right? Then hit the road. If only your career path could be laid out the same way. Oh wait! It pretty much can. Decide on your destination. Don’t have a clear idea of where you want to go? Take a poll. …
“You never get a second chance to make a first impression.”
News Flash: It’s true. I’m sorry, that may not have been what you wanted to hear. Picture This: You’re at a party and meet someone for the first time; you will surely notice his manners, his impeccable suit, his handshake or posture. Something is going to strike a chord and you will remember the person for that “something”. Let’s hope …
Find Yourself Friday
What do you do to motivate yourself? What do you do to motivate yourself? Are you a list-maker? Are you a “big picture” person who sets large goals and then breaks down the steps needed to accomplish them? Do you just get to the office a few minutes early to see what new adventure awaits and structure your day by …